
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Keep moving to burn more calories (for 6/17/07)

    folks); your sex (men tend to burn more calories than women); your overall, everyday activity level (the ...

  2. Mad Cow Nervousness May Drive Consumers Away from Beef

    original price levels before the outbreak.” Consumer response, whether short term or long term, will have ...

  3. Communiqué September 25, 2013

    followed by an extended high feed-price cycle. This helped them see the value of business analysis. Our ... residents or Ohio residents purchsing directly through eStore                          $7.50 (no discount) ...

  4. Biotechnology Brings Summer Science Fun to Adventure Central

    understand the connection between biotechnology and their everyday life. “When they go to the grocery store ...

  5. OARDC Adds Greener, Bi-fuel Vehicles to Its Fleet

    a separate fuel gauge for CNG located on the dashboard and a console-mounted switch for changing between CNG ...

  6. Communiqué March 27, 2013

    focuses on the dynamic relationship between rural and urban areas, regional and urban growth, and ... and career success." To take the test, click on Gain a better ...

  7. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of June 6

    for high school and college students in conjunction with American Phytopathological Society's ... gardeners. Registration $50. Limit 15 people. Information:  or 330-464-2148. NEW: June 14: ...

  8. Waterman a Model for Water Conservation

    25-26 in Columbus, Ohio. Members of OLICA will be installing several soil and water conservation designs ...

  9. Waterman Field Day Includes Facility Dedication

    and disease control strategies, vermicompost application, an organic soil primarily made up of worm ...

  10. Sixth Annual Tour of Gardens Set for July 14

    wetlands. Union County Soil and Water Conservation will be on hand to provide information on establishing ...
