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CD Wire- October 24, 2016
Friend of CD Award, include the items below in one page or less: A summary statement of 50 words or less ... community levels that will impact natural resources management and human well-being for generations to come. ... state, regional and national levels. Click here to learn more about the CRD Indicators Team and to view ...
Give 'em the Pickle Customer Service online
like what happened the last time. Set high service standards and live them every day. Teamwork - ...
PrecisionAg Big Data Conference: Managing Your Most Elusive Farm Asset is Set for August 25, 2014
practices, and risk management to implement an improved production plan each year. Recently, advances in ... machine data availability, improved climate modeling, and new technologies including high resolution crop ...
CSM Interviews
Eng Room Reservation (10/10) Importance: High Jim, On Tuesday 10/10, after the CSM Career Expo, I’d ...
Rainy day entertainment – get up to speed on pigweed ID
that we use to differentiate between redroot pigweed, waterhemp, and Palmer amaranth – pubescence, ...
Better Process Control School
received before March 5 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds will be ...
Warm Nights May Impact Corn Yield
night time temperatures. Past studies show that night time temperatures affect yield potential. High ... temperature increases, approximately doubling for each 13 degree F increase. With high night temperatures more ... developing kernels, thereby lowering potential grain yield. High night time temperatures result in faster ...
Coaching and Mentoring are Two Different Things Learn to Do Both
difference between coaching and mentoring Identify practical aspects of engaging in a coaching or mentoring ...
4-H Camp Registration Now Open
challenges, high ropes, a climbing wall, campfires, crafts, geo-cache treasure hunting, and so much more! ...
Learn From Master Gardener Volunteers at The Columbus Dispatch Home and Garden Show
Blueberries in a Sack 4:00 Soil Basics Sunday, February 18 th 1:00 Easy Propagation of ...