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Ohio State Webinar Series Addresses Food, Agricultural and Environmental Law Issues
a webinar, it allows us to bring local, regional and national high-quality legal expertise and knowledge to ... 1 p.m. Managing Pollutant Discharge Risk on Farms, with Chris Walker and Jack Van Kley of Van Kley & ...
Mission Possible: Positive Leadership
test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? ...
Water starts flowing in from the adjacent Olentangy River in spring 1994. 1994 The college’s Soil ... space for SNR’s Soil Microbial Ecology Program. 2005 The University Honors and Scholars Center approves ... natural resource areas of critical importance. Those areas are water, fisheries and aquatics, soils ...
4R Technology Review Field Day
Blanchard River Demonstration Network farmers. Field demonstrations include ETS’ Soil Warrior, New Leader, ...
Chow Line: Healthy eating tips the easy way
vitamins and phytochemicals that are linked with a lower risk of certain cancers and heart disease. ... high-calorie foods if they shop when they’re hungry. Eat first and you’ll be healthier for it. Chow Line is ...
Chow Line: Tips to Prevent Food Spoilage When the Power Goes Out
refrigerator food cold if the power goes out for more than four hours. A 50-pound cake of dry ice should ... bag in the freezer at all times. In an upright freezer, you can have a test bag on each shelf. If ...
OSU Extension Offers Livestock Mortality Composting Certification Courses Nov. 18, 20
returns animals slowly to the soil, Little said. “Livestock mortality happens on a regular basis, so ... soil.” And while burial is an option, the Ohio Revised Code requires not less than 4 feet of soil above ... the animal, which can be a challenge for producers when dealing with frozen or muddy soil conditions, ...
Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of May 22, 2013 Information: or 614-688-3421. June NEW: June 1: Registration deadline for Soil ... growers on cover crops and the benefits to soil, water and air quality. Registration: $10, including ... Greater Mohican Audubon Society guide birders of all skill levels. Information: 330-464-2148. NEW: June 8: ...
Chow Line: Try adjustments to favorite comfort foods
foods. I know most of them are high in calories, fat and sodium, and I worry about the effect on my ... recipe calls for. A half-cup of unsweetened applesauce has just 50 calories and barely any fat, compared ...
HCS Seminar Series, Columbus & Wooster
HCS Seminar Series, “Corn, soybeans and honey bees: risks and benefits for pollinators in today’s ...