
Search results

  1. Midwest Liner Market Possible with Retractable Roof Greenhouses

    similarities between retractable roof greenhouses and the combination greenhouse-outdoor environment, tree ...

  2. High Tunnel Training, Hosted by Brad Bergefurd


  3. Summit Launches Renewable Energy Focus in Ohio

    "25X25" initiative. 25X25 is a national working group, endorsed by Congress and picking up state-level ...

  4. Georgia Forest Ecologist Named Director of OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources

    Trustees.   At Georgia, Hendrick collaborated on high-profile campus initiatives related to the ...

  5. Estimate: A New Amish Community is Founded Every 3.5 Weeks in U.S.

    joining the faith, but instead can be attributed to large families and high rates of baptism. In all, the ...

  6. Program Helps Children Prepare for Being Home Alone

    rotated between stations and spent 20 minutes at each one," Chandler said. "They seemed to learn ...

  7. Chow Line: Americans flunk healthy eating index (1/13/12)

    January 13, 2012 I’m trying to eat more healthfully by following the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the “MyPlate” tips. I thought I had been eating OK, but I’m surprised at how drastically I’ve changed my diet. Do many people actually follow these r ...

  8. Mitchell lab page intro

    Initiative, Awarded 2006 Co-PI - A high throughput protoplast system for rice functional genomics and ...

  9. Awards

    $800 for each recipient, recognizes high achievement in research and service to the department. ...

  10. Tips to Save on Heating Costs This Winter

    • Don't be fooled into substituting a high-priced fuel for a lower-priced fuel. "Natural gas is ...
