
Search results

  1. Seminar, Shin-Yi Lee Marzano, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

    Metagenomes of beneficial microorganisms: disease suppressive soil and mycoviruses. Kottman 244 ...

  2. Academic Dismissal

    Any student in academic difficulty is at risk of being dismissed from the university. There is no ...

  3. Fall Weather Forecast

    a burst of warmer weather this weekend. Risk for the rest of September Temperature- below normal Rainfall- ...

  4. Dairy Palooza and Collegiate Updates

    earned All American status at Madison and was high individual in Ayrshire at Louisville with the team ... finishing 2nd in Ayrshire and 4th in Swiss.  At Madison, Colton was 4th high individual in Milking ... Shorthorn, and Laura was 8th in Brown Swiss at Expo.  A new recruit, Meghan Sanders, was high individual in ...

  5. 2014 Manure Science Review

    unit; cover crops’ benefits to soils; calibration of solid manure spreaders; effects of manure ... education hours; Certified Crop Adviser, 3.0 Soil and Water Management continuing education units and 2.5 ... collaborators include OSU Extension, the Ohio Department of Agriculture, Ohio Federation of Soil and Water ...

  6. Thirty-one students compete in CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    In addition to a noon luncheon, all student participants received a $50 gift card to Barnes & ... $100; 2nd, $50). A refreshment reception was held from 3:30-4 p.m. sponsored by Gamma Sigma Delta, ...

  7. Bacterial Leaf Streak: Another New Corn Disease out West, but not yet in Ohio

    of GLS. But one of the biggest differences between lesions of BLS and those of GLS is that BLS ... such as how and when it infects the corn plant, how it spreads within and between fields, whether or ...

  8. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    then they drop into the $14.00 to 14.50/cwt range. Although the price for corn is still relative low at ... × $0.133 per lb). To estimate the cost of production at these nutrient levels, I used a target cow milking ... 70 lb/day at 3.7% fat and 3.1% protein eating 50.4 lb/day. In this model, the average costs should be ...

  9. AWARES Program Empowers Women to Stay in Engineering Careers

    implicit bias, imposter syndrome, and microaggressions. Between these learning community meetings, students ... mentors who have participated in the program over the last two years speak highly of the program’s impact. ...

  10. Livestock and Meats Judging Teams Recognition and Fundraising Banquet

    The 2013 edition will feature the 5, 10, 25 and 50 year anniversary teams, in addition to ...
