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Decision Sciences Collaborative Colloquium
psychology (e.g., prosocial behavior), (b) process studies that clarify why there is an association between ...
Reaccreditation Process of Forestry Curriculums Underway
effectively offer the two curriculums. We must detail the organization of and all levels of support for the ...
Peter Renz
Peter Renz Research Aide 070 Parker Hall- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...
Campus as a Living Laboratory Student Sustainability Symposium
projects of high quality will be selected for upload into Ohio State’s Campus As a Living Laboratory ...
Dig Big Darby Creek June 11
participants can pick between a guided natural history walk along — and optionally in — Big Darby Creek or ...
Australia Study Abroad – A Once in a Lifetime Experience
between people and their natural environment through sustainable development. SENR faculty, Dr. Eric ...
CD Wire- March 30, 2015
compiled at the state level and forwarded to Rosa Soliz at the NCRCRD. Rosa and Scott Loveridge then ... coordinate the collection of state level data and generate a full report and executive summary that ... commercial products requires a unique facility where various plant and plant co-products can be tested for ...
AU '18 SENR Seminar Series- Rachel Poretsky
SENR welcomes Rachel Poretsky (University of Illinois at Chicago) who will present How Wastewater and Stormwater Influence Microbial Communities in Urban Aquatic Systems on November 1st, 2018 at 4:10 P.M. in 103 Kottman Hall. Listen to Rachel's rec ...
News: Trio Grant Helps Boost Student Success
the U.S. Department of Education. Through a highly competitive grant process, the program awards funds ...
SENR Seminar Series- Michael Nelson
Michael will be presenting Toward the Inevitable Fusion: Research at the Crossroads of Ethics, Ecology, and Social Science at 4:10P.M. in Kottman 103 on September 27, 2018. Listen to Michael's presentation here: ...