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New Pricing for OSU Extension Publications
eStore: 4-H project book: $7.50 (no discount). 4-H resource handbook or ANR, FCS or CD bulletin (using ...
Cloverbud Day Camp: Clovers in the City
Celebrate summer in the city at the 2018 Franklin County 4-H Cloverbud Camp! Crafts, games and other activities will be held. Children who have completed grades K-2 are eligible to attend. Click here to register. The cost is $10.00 per child. Click her ...
OSU Three-peats at Keystone
overall. Lydia Ulry, Johnstown, Ohio, won the contest and was high individual in beef cattle and swine ...
The Edible Garden Display: Success!
In February, our Franklin County Master Gardener Volunteers expanded their educational outreach with The Edible Garden display at The Columbus Dispatch Home and Garden Show. The Edible Garden hands-on display allowed visitors of the Home and Garden Show t ...
So you want to be a CCA The cost for the International (for us North American) exam is $175 and the Tri-state exam is $50 ...
Sample Research Topics
Reducing ammonia volatilization from dairy cattle manure Relationship between hemoglobin concentration and ...
'It's a great way to get your feet wet if you're just starting out in the business'
center acts as a link between the university and the state's vast food industry, and its influence ...
Western Bean Cutworm Damage and Heavy Feeding on Cry1F
control. Based on data from Ohio and other surrounding areas (MI, IN and Ontario), we would highly ...
Let your Dream of Home Ownership Become a Reality in 2018
Dreaming of buying a house in the New Year? Tired of paying someone else’s mortgage? Ready to make the transition from renter to homeowner? Before starting your house hunt, you must take our free Home Buyer Education workshops! Certified by the U.S. Depar ...
4-H Enrollment Deadline is Approaching Quickly
Do you have youth in your life that would enjoy hands-on activities, creating life-long friendships at summer camp, or exhibiting projects at the Franklin County Fair? If so, there is still time to join the fun with the Franklin County 4-H program for t ...