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  1. Gathering Graphene

    the design challenge with alternatives for materials and test setup as well as information to help ...

  2. Magnetic Cells

    challenge with alternatives for materials and test setup as well as information to help make the design ...

  3. Corn Pollination Underway in Early Planted Fields

    a typical midsummer day, peak pollen shed occurs in the morning between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. followed by ... by the wind. However, most of it settles within 20 to 50 feet.   Pollen shed is not a continuous ...

  4. Prevented Planting...What's That Again?

    soybeans). Up until the final plant date, you are eligible for your full guarantee at the level you have ...

  5. Small Grains Field Day

    choose between one of two afternoon sessions.  Session A will focus on wheat variety development, current ...

  6. AWARES Program Empowers Women to Stay in Engineering Careers

    implicit bias, imposter syndrome, and microaggressions. Between these learning community meetings, students ... mentors who have participated in the program over the last two years speak highly of the program’s impact. ...

  7. PetPALS Cat Behaviors

    out to the sides May purr Eyes open, pupils not dilated Ears straight up and relaxed Tail high and ... Tail tucked between legs May lie on back with belly up Fearful Posture Whiskers flattened back against ...

  8. Another example of 4-H and its impact on the success of Ohio youth!

    between Ohio 4-H Youth Development and the Five Rivers MetroPark in Dayton, was more than a summer ...

  9. Southwestern Ohio Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Conference

    January 22. The $50 fee includes a continental breakfast, buffet lunch and USB memory stick with all of ...

  10. Ohio 4-H Dog Expo

    help them be more successful with their 4-H dog projects. Teamwork between the 4-H member and his/her ...
