
Search results

  1. Landscape for Wildlife? Here’s Where to Go to Get Tips

    Workshop takes place at General Butler State Park in Carrollton, Ky., midway between Louisville and ...

  2. Volunteers Needed for Milk Study

    determine if there are differences in reasoning for milk choices between  raw milk consumers and pasteurized ...

  3. OARDC's Jackson Ag Research Station Has New Manager

    March 26, 2008 Editor: You can download a high-resolution photo of Wells at ... high input costs for all segments of the beef industry, now is an ideal time to emphasize the ...

  4. Flagpole at Muck Crops Station Honors Memory of Local Grower

    in the areas fertile black soils. The flagpole was dedicated at the station last April 29 in memory ...

  5. Loerch Receives 2010 OARDC Senior Faculty Research Award: 'Immediate Impact' on Beef Cited

    High Plains, Canada and Argentina. Further work involves cutting winter-feeding costs, which represent ... million in grants, including almost $2 million in three highly competitive U.S. Department of Agriculture ...

  6. 2008 Award Winners

    Volunteer Conference in March. Below is a list of the awards, with a link to a zipped file containing high ...

  7. Chow Line: Vitamin K appears vital for bones (for 8/28/05)

    cabbage or others high in vitamin K. Vitamin K is also found in some types of oils, but the type in ... incorporate leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus and other vegetables high in vitamin K into your daily routine. ...

  8. CFAES Alumni Community Service Project with FLOW- Updated Location!

    Join fellow CFAES alumni in helping clean up the Olentangy with a service project on September 29 with Friends of the Lower Olentangy Watershed (FLOW)! During this service event, volunteers will plant trees, clear out invasive species, and more.  ...

  9. Richland County to the Rescue

    When flooding threatened the Wayne County Fair, fair board officials had to make a quick decision on how to proceed.  Luckily for all, Richland County had space and welcomed displaced hogs and exhibitors.  ...

  10. 4-H Week

    compete on the local, state, and national level. You can use the following news releases to promote ...
