
Search results

  1. Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras

    aquaculture with hydroponics to grow fish and vegetables without soil. It offers an affordable and sustainable ...

  2. Estimating Corn Yields at Early Stages of Kernel Development

    high kernel weights), the method will underestimate grain yields. In the past, the YIELD COMPONENT ... sites across the field. Given the highly variable conditions present in many stressed fields, repeat the ...

  3. 2015 Livestock Judging Camp

    of their lives. The deadline for the non-refundable $50 deposit is due on May 30th, to the Ohio ...

  4. Don’t Press the Panic Button on Soybean Aphid Yet

    that this number is the action threshold, it is not the economic injury level (EIL) at which soybean ... down or maintaining them at the 250 level. 2) At this point in the summer, you can expect aphids to ...

  5. Reproductive Diagnostics Inc.

    andrology position available at Reproductive Diagnostics, Inc., a high performance lab of over 25 years, in ...

  6. Animal Science Community Alliance Leadership Opportunity

    high school seniors, and planning events to build community, like the CFAES Back 2 School Bash, you ...

  7. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1980-1985

    and leader at local, state and national levels. He and his brother developed an outstanding herd of ... builder of character, and a teacher who advocated high standards of action and insisted on proper ... 1946-50, and served as a professor of Dairy Science and state extension specialist at OSU from 1954-81. ...

  8. Wetness Could Delay Early Planting

    aid in raising the soil temperatures for planting, but the moisture could lead to delays in getting ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-35

    program is designed to recognize an individual who is highly motivated, delivers exceptional customer ... service for farmer clients in nutrient management, soil and water management, integrated pest management ...

  10. Grain Bin Rescue – Silos and Bins Loom as Death Traps on American Farms

    one of the most dangerous occupations in America.  Over the past 50 years, more than 900 cases of ... between Ohio State University Extension, the Ohio Fire Academy and agribusinesses to address Ohio’s ...
