
Search results

  1. Ohio Raptors Presentation- Westerville, Ohio

    Join OSU Extension's Marne Titchenell and learn about Ohio's soaring predatory birds- hawks, owls, eagles and more! This program is for ages 18 and over.  Learn more here.     ...

  2. December 2018


  3. Wooster Science Cafe: What Motivates Environmentally-Responsible Behavior?- Wooster, Ohio

    Lively conversation and insights on current science topics- all in plain English!  Doug Jackson-Smith will present on this evening's topic. ...

  4. Wooster Science Cafe: Superbugs- Multidrug Resistant Pathogens- Wooster, Ohio

    Lively conversation and insights on current science topics- all in plain English!  Gireesh Rajashekara will present on this evening's topic. ...

  5. Master of Economics Info Session- Columbus, Ohio

      Learn how you can earn a Master of Economics (non thesis) in one year.  Register here for the info session. ...

  6. Progressive Mid-America Boat Show & Lake Erie Day- Cleveland, Ohio

    One dollar from the sale of each ticket will be donated to CFAES’s Stone Laboratory to support student scholarships.  Experts from Ohio State’s Ohio Sea Grant program will be at the event Jan. 19-21 to share information and host children’s activities. ...

  7. Bines to Steins-Ohio Hop Conference 2019- Columbus, Ohio

    This conference will cover topics including quality, sensory analysis, maximizing yields, and more.   ...

  8. Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference- Loveland, Ohio

    This is the conference to attend for Southern Ohio specialty crop growers. Fifteen different class options on fruit and vegetable production are available at this conference. Your registration includes a continental breakfast and a buffet lunch. All atten ...

  9. New Year's Day Labyrinth Walk

    Start the new year off on the right foot-- or the left foot. It really doesn't matter.  ...

  10. Buckeye Smart: Aging: So Cool Everyone’s Doing It- Columbus, Ohio

    The international age-friendly cities movement is gaining momentum in communities across the U.S. Driven by demographic changes in the 65+population, this initiative pushes cities to re-think their social, health and built environments. This OSU Alumni As ...
