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  1. Applications Due- Study Abroad Voyagers

    various welcome and involvement fairs for the College and University level and at Admissions Open Houses.  ...

  2. Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium- Productivity, Profitability, Nutrition, and Sheep Farm Succession Planning Principles

    by Roger A. High, OSIA/OSWP Executive Director The 2015 Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium (BSS) ... contact Roger A. High at (614) 246-8299 or by email at Please pass the information along ...

  3. 2016 Animal Science Hall of Fame

    willingness to give freely of his time to outside organizations at the state, regional, and community level ...

  4. Understanding Environmental Behaviors: A Modification of Value-Belief-Norm theory Applied to Nutrient Management Decisions in the Maumee Watershed

    of risk related to nutrient loss, sense of responsibility to take action to mitigate nutrient loss, ...

  5. Kaley Donovan Thesis

    for conservation at the landscape level within state forestland in Southeast Ohio, and lend support to ...

  6. Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras

    aquaculture with hydroponics to grow fish and vegetables without soil. It offers an affordable and sustainable ...

  7. Associations between Riffles and Aquatic Biota following Lowhead Dam Removal: Implications for River Fish Conservation

    Danielle will present  Associations between Riffles and Aquatic Biota following Lowhead Dam Removal: ...

  8. Chloe Welch's Honors Defense

    Ohio. The objective  of this study was to examine the effect of crayfish density (low, high and no ... high density crayfish treatment and in the treatments with sediment. Opposite to predictions, ...

  9. ASABE-UCD Administrators

    Wednesday 19 th September 2012 09.30-10.50- Welcome to UCD Biosystems            Francis Butler (University ... of College Dublin) 10.50-11.15- Break 11.15-12.30- Tour UCD Biosystems/UCD 12.30-13.30- Lunch ...

  10. Prothonotary Warbler draws faculty member to Panama

    they will formally investigate the linkage between changing wintering habitat and breeding in the ...
