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  1. News Tips and Events for the Week of Sept. 17

    able to distinguish between what is fact and what is fiction. Lee Beers, an Ohio State University ...

  2. Family Fundamentals: Blended families need time, patience (August 2015)

    stuck: Biological family members feel more loyalty to each other. Parents often feel torn between ...

  3. Emotional Cues and Eating

    high-fat foods in response to emotional stress.  Many of us are programmed to turn to food for comfort at ... stored as excess fat leading to increased weight gain and health risks.  Even when you feel full, if you ...

  4. Ohio State Scientist Recognized for Egg, Food Safety Innovations

    University of Ain Shams and a B.S. from Cairo High Polytechnic Institute, also in Egypt. The award includes ...

  5. Ohio State University to Offer Series of Tax Schools Statewide, November and December

    level course and will also include information on Ohio income taxes,” he said. Participants in the tax ...

  6. Tips and Events for the Week of Sept. 10

    a.m.-4 p.m., Dave Cable Farm, 10491 Canal Road, Hebron. Registration is $50 per student by Sept. 4. ...

  7. School Gardens Offer Myriad Benefits, Take Planning

    is $35 and includes lunch. The workshop is limited to 50 participants. To register, send a check ...

  8. New Associateship Program Launches for Future Extension Educators

    highly scientific and specialized agriculture requires Extension educators to have broader, more in-depth ...

  9. Ohio State Hosting Talks on Famous Grizzly Bear, Ted Turner’s Green Impact in West

    the Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom in the university’s Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St., Columbus. The ...

  10. Good Weather, Innovation Drive Farm Science Review Attendance

    nitrogen and phosphorus, precision agriculture and compaction, and high-yield factors. Information on the ...
