
Search results

  1. Watch and Learn about Building Ohio State

    Building Ohio State tells the story of the unique connections and history shared between The Ohio ...

  2. Ohio Educators: Explore 2 ‘Amazing’ Resources for Teaching About Nature, the Environment

    Woodland Stewards Program. Smith said the upcoming workshop, which is for teachers of pre-K through high ... guide, an activity guide for high school students, and access to the project’s new online units. The ...

  3. Connection between diet and coyote-human conflict focus of article

    if there is a relationship between the use of human food and coyote-human conflict.  Learn more about ...

  4. 2015 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    current topics. Over 50 exhibitors are expected for the trade show, and on Tuesday pm, the veterinarian ...

  5. Labor Management Workshop

    “Using the New Farm Labor Handbook”. The registration fee is $50 per person or $65 per farm, with checks ...

  6. 2015 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    current topics. Over 50 exhibitors are expected for the trade show, and on Tuesday pm, the veterinarian ...

  7. TWEL Adam Janke Thesis

    they increased in area. Thus small fields with high edge to interior ratios are most advantageous. ...   I tested the influence of habitat use on individual survival by comparing models representing habitat use ...

  8. Release of Columbo Dairy Software

    and 3) intervention level (i.e., when you should re-balance the rations). It is the outcome of a USDA ...

  9. 2017 Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference

    program theme is “High Quality Forages.” The keynote speaker will be Dr. Kim Cassida, Forage Extension ... McCutcheon (OSU Extension, Southeast Region Director) will discuss “ High Energy Pasture for Grass-Finished ...

  10. New Zealand Study Abroad Study Session

    improve understanding of relationships between human societies and the natural environment. It will be ...
