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  1. August 2017 Highlights

    a Food Safety Plan to comply with the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Foods ...

  2. Farmland Succession Workshop

    and risk •How to establish a Family “Farm Operating Agreement with your children •How to create money ...

  3. February 2017 Highlights

    as a hub for bacteria-killing, high-pressure food processing. Click here for the Columbus Dispatch ...

  4. Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update for Week ending July 28, 2017

    were captured for week ending July 28. The state average per trap decreased from 50 WBCW (week ending ...

  5. Northwest Ohio Precision Planter Day

    topics will include: Variable rate seeding Precision placement Downforce options High-speed availability ...

  6. Soil Health and Cover Crop Field Day

    Mark your calendars for an excellent soil health and cover crop field day on October 24, 2016 from ... 10:00 AM to noon.  Dr. Steve Cullman will be speaking about soil health.  The latest method to seeding ...

  7. We've been slimed-- Slugs impacting corn and soybean crops in Ohio

    difficult, and also runs the risk of burning crop foliage. Hopefully, as our crops grow (and given the ...

  8. Double Crop versus Modified Rely Intercrop Soybean Yields in 2014

    inches at SC and 12.2 from 5/11 to 8/31 at Bucyrus. Stands were excellent at both locations; however soil ... risk to adverse weather over rainfall and growing season length. However, DC will almost always be ...

  9. Coffee with the Master Gardeners: What's that Weed?

    doesn’t when it comes to managing weeds and reasons why. Then test your knowledge for a hands-on ...

  10. Wet Weather Ahead

    now every several days. With clay type soils and reduced evaporation this could lead to standing water ...
