
Search results

  1. G. Kaletunc

    219 Hello Jim,   Could you please reserve Room 219 between 9:30 and 11:00 am on Monday June 13? ...

  2. FABE SEMINAR- Encouraging Synergies Between Human and Natural Systems

    Encouraging synergies between human and natural systems: An essential step toward sustainability. ...

  3. Q&A with Dr. Ryan J. Winston

    tools to solve global water challenges.  I am looking forward to developing new graduate level courses ...

  4. AGCO Info Session

    within the Agricultural, Marketing, Technical Services, and Manufacturing, Design and Test Engineering ...

  5. Seeking a Twospotted Spider Mite Trial Location

    control in soybean and sweet corn (Agri-Mek SC).  We would like to test this product in Ohio soybeans, and ...

  6. From the Heart

    are enduring and hard on everyone involved. While they know that they work in a business where risks ...

  7. Why 'climate change doesn't seem so remote' now

    Level"  by Dan Vimont of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (375 attendees). "Communicating Climate ... school, high school, and college classrooms. Staff from other organizations attend the webinars for ... important concepts and terms for each subject. The primers have been used to prepare high school students ...

  8. Delayed Wheat Planting

    seed placed between 1.0 and 1.5 inches deep when planting and to plant no-till.  These two practices ...

  9. Assessment- Evidence- Agricultural and Engineering Technologies

    in Applied Science CNSTMGT- AAS Crop Management and Soil Conservation Associate in Applied Science ...

  10. Frogeye Leaf Spot- Is It Worth Spraying in 2019?

    in development. If you don’t spray, and it is a highly susceptible variety, the disease will continue ...
