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Columbus Tours to Feature City’s Growing Urban Farm Scene
the operations, or that they’re growing a large variety of high-value crops, such as mushrooms, ginger ... fruit trees, high tunnels, raspberry patch, microgreens grow room, community garden and neighborhood ... produce stand. At Clarfield Farm, three high tunnels produce fresh fruits and vegetables 12 months a year, ...
Northwest Ohio Hops Workshop is Aug. 25
also a part of the college. Registration is $50, payable to OSU Extension, 639 Dunbridge Road, Bowling ...
Ohio State Promotes Youth Safety on Farms and Ranches
Agriculture, she said. The project, called SAY: Safety in Agriculture for Youth, is a joint project between ... young workers are highly involved in America’s farms and ranches. “The topic for discussion is how to ...
Faces of Ohio 4-H
leader, who introduced me to Mary Cusick when I was still in high school and serving on a state 4-H board ...
G. Kaletunc
219 Hi Jim, I have an Academic Affairs meeting scheduled for Nov 4 between 1:30-2:30 pm. Could ...
A. Tamkin
219 Hey Jim, can I reserve 219 for Wed, between 11-1? Thanks, Abby -- Wednesday, July 27, 2016- ...
Wetlands for Wildlife, Mansfield
Wetlands for Wildlife, Learn how to manage wetland water levels, identify and manage invasive ...
National Geographic Photographer to Speak at Ohio State: ‘Protecting Earth’s Biodiversity’
their same high altitude. A mountain stream choked with pandemic-killed frogs, a spotted owl perched in ... West in the Ohio Union on Ohio State’s campus, 1739 N. High St. in Columbus. Further details are at ...
Chow Line: You can’t judge a whole grain by its color
Martha Filipic I have seen “white whole wheat” bread and high-fiber white pasta products for years ... high-fiber white pasta have landed on grocery store shelves. They might not contain 51 percent whole grain ... fiber or a special high-fiber cornstarch. Again, look at the ingredients listing to know what’s in the ...
Chow line: Modeling healthy eating is beneficial to children
children being overweight or obese, putting them at greater risk for chronic diseases that can affect their ...