
Search results

  1. Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Rohini Mulchandani

    wrapped in one.” In 1998, after an unexpected layoff and official retirement in her early 50s, she founded ...

  2. EPN Breakfast: For the Love of Rivers: Celebrating 50 Years of the Scenic River Act- Columbus, Ohio

    Former First Lady, Hope Taft, and Bob Gable, Scenic Rivers Program Manager for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources will present on Ohio's scenic rivers and the efforts to protect them. ...

  3. Plan to Delist Gray Wolf Endangers Other Threatened Species, Researchers Find

    Instead of citing the dozens of studies that suggest human support for wolf restoration is high, the ... pressure from the opposing sides of a highly contentious fight about wolves: hunters and livestock ...

  4. SENR Students Step Up to Make Ohio State More Bike Friendly

    idea, and chose to study bike routes at Ohio State in light of a couple of high-profile biking ...

  5. The Ohio Bee Survey: In Search of the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee- Online

    Join the University of Akron's Randy Mitchell for this webinar to learn more about Ohio's bumble bees, the Ohio Bee Survey, and what you can do to help some of our most important, charismatic, and vulnerable pollinators. At least 19 species of b ...

  6. AU '18 SENR Seminar Series- Rachel Poretsky

    SENR welcomes Rachel Poretsky (University of Illinois at Chicago) who will present  How Wastewater and Stormwater Influence Microbial Communities in Urban Aquatic Systems  on November 1st, 2018 at 4:10 P.M. in 103 Kottman Hall. Listen to Rachel's rec ...

  7. HireOhio Alumni Fair

    Meet with recruiters from leading employers and network with area alumni at the HireOhio Career Fair, hosted by The Ohio State University. ...

  8. Career Advice for Veterans with Colonel Mike Carrell- Online

    Take part in an informative interview-style discussion with Colonel Mike Carrell, Ohio State’s assistant provost and director of the Office of Military and Veterans Services, on career advice and resources for veteran alumni.  ...

  9. How to Work a Career Fair- Online

    Gain advice and insight on how to make the most out of a career fair. ...

  10. Balancing Graduate School and Life- Columbus, Ohio

    Are you trying to figure out how to fit further education with day to day life? ...
