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  1. Environmental Professional Network Field Trip

    other soil conservation measures discussed.  As well as cover crops, vegetable gardening, herbs and ...

  2. Chow Line: With flavored water, look at label closely

    including corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), honey, malt syrup, nectars (such ...

  3. U.S. House Farm Bill Defeat Could Lead to More Extensions of 2008 Farm Bill

    bill. “I raise caution against separating the bill because as it stands, it makes the connection between ...

  4. OSU to Offer New Fact Sheet on Stink Bugs, Which Are a Growing Concern for Soybean Farmers

    the bugs have begun traveling north, he said. “We had reports of fields at economic levels last year ...

  5. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Williams County

    2014 Williams County Extension Office, East Annex 1425 E High St, Bryan, OH 43506 $20.00 Per Person ...

  6. OSU Extension Expert: Grass Not Yet Ready for Grazing

    additional damage to the forages and soil and to allow new growth to commence in order to start putting some ...

  7. Chow Line: Careful: Some People Foods Just Aren’t Good For Dogs

    statement. “Our bodies may break down foods or other chemicals that a dog’s can’t tolerate,” she said. High ...

  8. Ohio’s Salamanders: 24 Good Things to Know (and What They Can Tell You)

    often quite abundant.”     Getting to Know Salamanders (22 pages, $7.50) gives details on Ohio’s common ...

  9. Scholarships: Opening the Door to Higher Education

    High School in Chillicothe. He teaches several different courses: agricultural construction, natural ...

  10. FDA Listening Session April 30 on Proposed Produce Safety Rule

    "Participants will have access to some top-level FDA administrators," Kulhanek said. "You can get ...
