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  1. Ghana Sustainable Change Study Abroad Information Session

    with the community. The program is open to graduate and upper-level undergraduate students from all ...

  2. Graduate Exit Seminar

    to occur during hypoxia periods. Ammonia in its un-ionized form is highly toxic to fish and causes ...

  3. Sustainable Change Program Offers Students Service-Learning and Development Experience in Ghana, West Africa

    Sustainable Change” (CRPLAN 5798).   The program, started in 2010, is a collaborative partnership between Ohio ...

  4. Graduate Defense Seminar

    Birds in the Colombian Andes as her ENR Graduate Defense Seminar. In highly deforested regions such as ...

  5. Over the River and Through the Woods

    ability to move freely throughout the home without increasing the risk of falls.  Just because you can ...

  6. SENR Seminar Series- Daniel Raimi

      The SENR Seminar Series welcomes Daniel Raimi, Senior Research Associate at Resources for the Future and Lecturer, University of Michigan Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. Daniel will present  "The Fracking Debate"  from 4:10-5:30pm 164 ...

  7. Graduate Exit Seminar

    proportion, analyzing voting distributions across sub-national units vis-à-vis aggregate level data about ...

  8. 8 Tiny Facts About Reindeer That Click (Plus a 9th)

     live in all 88 of Ohio’s counties, have reached nuisance levels in some cities, and part of her job is ...

  9. Welcome New and Returning Students

    Development and Sustainability (EEDS) taught by Dr. Jeremy Brooks and Urban Soils & Ecosystem Services: ...

  10. TWEL Nancy Sundell-Turner Thesis

    were compared using the sign test. Second, I directly examined the relative utility of landscape ...
