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Biotechnology Camp for High School Students
Apply to be a part of this FREE camp for high school students here. ...
Professional Development Night
a very exciting one, and we are looking forward to the partnerships between the students, faculty, and ...
Gwirtz holds internship with Lynd Fruit Farm
She is the daughter of Cass and Lisa Gwritz and a graduate of Shelby High School. The agricultural ...
Dietz to complete internship with American Guernsey Association
agricultural communication. She is the daughter of Randy and Lorrie Dietz and a graduate of Chalker High ...
CFAES Hosts 4th Annual Back 2 School Bash
a host of events, including a kickball tournament, won by the Crops and Soils and the Agricultural ... Sirloin and Buckeye Dairy Clubs, was a big hit. Right: Crops and Soils and Agricultural Systems Managment ...
Grain Storage Project Launched at Farm Science Review
now, but automated dumping is the next big thing in order to achieve high capacity,” said Douridas. ...
Weed Specialist: Try to Apply Fall Herbicide Treatments Before December
their fields to control weeds and help ensure a good start for spring planting. In fact, anytime between ...
CFAES team strives to improve Tanzania ag technical institutes
frontline extension workers at the Certificate and Diploma levels, who then are deployed at the village, ... ward and district levels to provide extension delivery to these rural populations, especially ...
Tagged to Teach Ag Day
other universities and high schools across our country. The Department of Agricultural Communication, ... Education, and Leadership will host high school students who feel they have been 'tagged' to teach ... high school agriculture to visit campus and learn more about our agriscience education program. ...
Conference Offers Training and Education for Grape Growers and Wine Producers Feb. 18-19
interest is driven by the high value of wine grapes as an alternative and profitable cash crop in Ohio; its ...