
Search results

  1. Submit Films for Upcoming Ag Film Festival

    filmmakers from the area surrounding Highland County. Filmmakers of all skill and expertise levels are ...

  2. Ohio Educators: Explore 2 'Amazing' Resources for Teaching About Nature, the Environment

    for teachers of pre-K through high school, will focus on using Project Learning Tree to study Ohio’s ... Learning Tree’s pre-K through 8th grade activity guide, an activity guide for high school students, and ...

  3. China Curbing Purchases of U.S. Soybeans

    valued at $50 billion. If imposed, a 25 percent tariff on U.S. soybeans would mean companies in China ...

  4. Organic Dairy Production Featured at June 29 Field Day

    soil management, including weed control and soil balancing, and a session on organic forages, grazing ...

  5. Shearer Receives BETHA Grant for Global Sustainable Village

    between science, technology, society, and cultural issues. This year, a record number of 37 proposals were ...

  6. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Cow-Jones Index for cows milking 70 or 85 lb/day at 3.7% fat and 3.1% protein. In the November issue, the ...

  7. A Walk Through Ohio's Forests

    for teachers of pre-K through high school, will focus on using Project Learning Tree to study Ohio’s ... Learning Tree’s pre-K through 8th grade activity guide, an activity guide for high school students, and ...

  8. Milk Price Outlook

    cwt. for milk testing 3.5 percent butterfat. This price is up $1.67 over the July price and $3.91 ...

  9. Cow Comfort is a Requirement for Making Milk

    the risk of lameness, and if providing pasture during this time affects lameness during lactation. ...

  10. Dairy Leaders Honor Ohio's World Championship Industry During June Dairy Month Celebration

    Pearl Valley Cheese was awarded the Silver Medal in the highly competitive Colby cheese category with ... that fosters the creation of mutually beneficial relationships between all those that have a vested ...
