
Search results

  1. Grad Publications 2006-2009

    2009.  Association of soil chemical and physical properties with Pythium species diversity, community ... 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol-producing Pseudomonads improves crop health in low-pH soils by altering patterns of nutrient uptake. ... function in soil bacteria: Sequence-directed isolation of bovel bacteria contributing to soilborne plant ...

  2. Ohio Pork Council Internship

    of swine and modern agriculture is useful, but not required. While the focus of the program is highly ...

  3. A Water Luncheon Seminar

    production side, Stone Lab is investigating the role of different forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, light level ...

  4. How Low Can You Go? Cold Weather and Wheat Injury

    temperature lowered to 27°, 21°, 14°, and 5°F. Very little injury has been observed between 14-27°F. At 5°F, ...

  5. Dairy Judging: Coach Spike

    Duane Moff (High Team in Reasons)   1985 Brian Garrison, Amy Sherman (King), Sherry Glenn (Smith), Mark ...

  6. Independent Ag Field Day and Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

     Bellevue, OH 44811 which is at the intersection of Sandhill Rd. and US Route 20 between Bellevue and ...

  7. Moving Forward Through: Meta-Analysis

    and soil conditions, leaving him unable to discern any clear trends. Eventually, he gave up and chose ...

  8. Controlling Marestail Postemergence in Corn

    use of a directed spray will reduce the risk of injury.- Effective activity of Liberty and atrazine ...

  9. OSU Weed Science Field Tour

    Route 41 between Springfield and South Charleston in Clark County.) The 2015 OSU Weed Science Field Day ...

  10. Boehm publications

    M.J., Lipps, P.E., and Slininger, P. J.  2004.  Field testing of antagonists of Fusarium head blight ... 2002.  Biological control of Fusarium head blight of wheat and deoxynivalenol levels in grain via use of ... urban soils on turfgrass establishment, productivity, and rust severity.  HortScience 36(4):790-794. ...
