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Western Bean Cutworm Update: Past Peak Adult Flight
Currently the only location with scouting levels is Lucas County. Figure 1. Average Western bean cutworm ...
Time to Think about Planting Peas
shells are filled out but the peas inside are still tender and sweet. Once they start to form pods, test ... not to plant in very wet soil, let it dry out before planting. Poke the seeds into the soil 1-2 ... the center. Leave 18 inches between each double row. Depending on the temperature, it may take nine ...
Pandemic worsening food insecurity
82% increase compared to the level of food insecurity before the pandemic began, said Ian Sheldon, an ...
Structural change in European calf markets: decoupling and the blue tongue disease
further induced structural change. Using counterfactual scenarios, we show that the decoupling of payments ...
Tips for Harvesting Lodged Corn
come in contact with wet soils and surface residues. Even certain hybrids that normally exhibit good ... seem high. The only way to evaluate whether any harvesting aid or technique is helping is to measure ... between the plates. Operate the head as low as practical without picking up rocks or significant amounts ...
March Weather Update
on current climate trends. Normal last freeze is generally between April 10 to 20 for much of the ... state. However, with early green-up and budding there is an elevated risk to fruit trees and other ...
"Working Lands" Forage Field Days Planned
Grassland Council, and your local Soil and Water Conservations Districts to learn about the Working Lands ... Program. Topics to be covered at these field days include: Soil Fertility ~ Seed Bed Preparation ~ Forage ...
Tip Dieback and Zipper Ears in Corn
emerge. As a result, no kernels may be evident on the last two or more inches of the ear tip. Uneven soil ... that occurred this year, such as N deficiency, excessive soil moisture and foliar disease damage, may ... pollination, or the mutual shading from high plant populations can also contribute to kernel abortion. ...
Late season rains impacted seed quality
seedling by as much as 40 to 50%. We have stored the seed under very dry conditions, to inhibit any ... the seed. As close to that May 1 day where soil temps (not air temps) are suitable and the rain that ...
Vickner and Colleagues Awarded a USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Grant for Work on Sustainable Management of Grape Root Borer in Commercial Vineyards
Alternatives, will enable the researchers to test a dynamic optimization model that will be used to assess the ... human and environmental risks. In total, for fiscal year 2012, $1.4 million in grant funds were competed ...