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Conservation Tillage Conference Provides Answers
fertilizer and haul manure? How can cover crops improve the soil health and recycle the nutrients in my ... a policy discussion on soil health as it relates to water control and filtering are the sessions that make ...
HCS students get a Golden Opportunity
minor. The American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America and the Soil Science Society ...
Western Bean Cutworm: Time to Scout (Scouting Video Included!)
5–200, but averaging about 50 per cluster, and hatch within 5–7 days (Figure 2). Eggs first appear white, ...
Farmer to farmer: Retired Extension educator volunteers in Mozambique
apartment complex. The university provided transportation between the apartment and the university. There ... 5 percent of the agricultural GNP. The annual per capita income is $885. High soybean yields are over 22 ... bushels per acre. High corn yields are over 80 bushels per acre. Most of the corn and soybeans are raised ...
Ohio Sheep Day
memberships can be purchased during registration. For more information, contact Roger A. High at 614-246-8299 ...
Staging Corn with Severe Leaf Damage Early in the Season
result (665) by 82 (equal to V8.1).” Growth-limiting stresses and conditions (soil moisture deficits, ...
What’s Limiting Soybean Yield? Take Soybean Production Survey and Receive $40
between what yield is possible on your farm each year and what you yield you actually achieve is called ...
Some reminders about fall herbicide treatments and cover crops
if the interval between application and planting is less than 20 days per 16 oz/A.- Express ... Note – label states in several places that applying Express with 2,4-D or dicamba actually reduces risk ...
Expectations for Western Bean Cutworm
has not tasseled, and we have a large amount of late planted corn which may be at risk for ...
Scout Fields Now for Palmer Amaranth
just below the soil surface, and ideally removed from the field and burned or composted. Plants with ... ODA will test any seed used for these purposes at no charge. Feel free to contact OSU weed science for ...