
Search results

  1. Grain Bin Rescue – Silos and Bins Loom as Death Traps on American Farms

    one of the most dangerous occupations in America.  Over the past 50 years, more than 900 cases of ... between Ohio State University Extension, the Ohio Fire Academy and agribusinesses to address Ohio’s ...

  2. Ohio Certified Crop Adviser Pre-Exam Preparation Class, January 13 & 14

    Management, Pest Management, Soil/Water Management with subject matter and questions/answers at end of each ... – soil & water management Dr. Robert Mullen, CCA – nutrient management Not yet registered for the CCA ...

  3. Ohio State's Food Industries Center Helps Food, Beverage Industry Taste Success

    Established in 1982, the center acts as a link between the university and the state's vast food industry, ... Building, is for teaching, research and product testing only; its license does not permit products made ... supervisor, said companies often lease the plant so they can test new products or processes without having to ...

  4. Where’s the Wheat?

    Dry soil has delayed wheat emergence. On October 20, we travelled to the Northwest Agricultural ... more than a week (or a month). In our plots, the wheat seeds were still in good condition, but the soil ...

  5. Five Things to Know about Fall Herbicide Treatments

    A few brief reminders follow: 1.  When to spray?  Anytime between now and Thanksgiving will work, and ... (Canopy/Cloak), which for whatever reason does persist at high enough concentrations to provide some control in ...

  6. Handy Bt Trait Table for U.S. corn production updated for 2017

    performance issues in cases where there are documented field-level insect populations which are less ...

  7. New Developments in the World of Soybean Pathology

    strategies for soybean rust; made efforts to test and register fungicides for use in the U.S., giving ... this month.  INTEGO Solo is the name of the product from Valent, but much of the initial field testing ...

  8. Meet Manny Barnes: a Leader in CSM and Beyond

    a part of his high school’s football and wrestling teams. Upon graduating, however, he decided to step ...

  9. It’s All About the Weed Seedbank – Part 2: Where Has All the Waterhemp Come From?

    waterhemp and Palmer amaranth, is a rapid decline in seed viability in the soil within the first year, and ...

  10. Mac Ware helps win BETHA Endowment annual grant competition!

    supports projects that examine the complex relationship between science and technology on society and ...
