
Search results

  1. Weather Outlook Remains Unchanged

    typical hard freezes below 26-28 degrees end at about normal time. The 4 inch soil temperature is also ...

  2. Ohio State ATI enrollment on the rise

    soil conservation, livestock production and management, and horse production and management. Greenhouse ...

  3. Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection-Soybean Production

    Production from 7:00-8:30 pm      Everything but the Kitchen Sink: High Input Soybean Production      Dr. ... by January 13th.Note you will want a high speed connection to view program. Details on connection ...

  4. Assessing the Wheat Crop for Freeze Damage

    Over the weekend, temperatures dipped to high 20s/low 30s sometimes accompanied by a frost.  The ...

  5. Three Honored for Long-Time Dedication and Commitment: Beuerlein, Gahn and Moser to be Inducted into Farm Science Review Hall of Fame

    selected for induction because of their contributions to the success of the Farm Science Review. The 50 ... serve have sustained 50 years of success.” Beuerlein, Gahn and Moser will join past FSR Hall of Fame ...

  6. Reminder –Western Agricultural Research Station to have Two Field Days Next Week

    State Route 41 between Springfield and South Charleston in Clark County. Thanks to our Ohio commodity ...

  7. Potato Leafhopper in Alfalfa

    for new seedings made this year. Consider lowering the threshold to half the normal level for new ...

  8. The Process of Harvesting Miscanthus in Northeast Ohio

    perennial warm-season grass that grows relatively fast on less-than-ideal soils and can be used either as ... of miscanthus can be loaded on each wagon.      In order to negotiate the wet soils prevalent in ... solidification applications.  The product is safe, clean, and will dissolve back into the soil within days of application or may ...

  9. Computer Labs and Services

    Level, Skou Hall. Additional information regarding usernames, passwords and changing passwords can be ...

  10. Ohio State to conduct wide range of shale-related research

    cluster with a $50,000 seed grant from the university's  Environmental Sciences Network  in October ...
