
Search results

  1. Hands-on Agronomy Education Nurtures Senegalese Farming Future

    farmer use a mechanical transplanter. The inexpensive device can plant 50 plants per minute, dramatically ...

  2. Hands-on Horticulture

    50 plants per minute, dramatically reducing the amount of time needed to fill a field. With ...

  3. Rattan Lal: Soil is Like a Bank Account


  4. Ohio’s Richest Soil Dwindling


  5. CSM Competition Team Wins First Place!

    scenario indeed, as most teams submitted their Step 2 binders within the last 10 minutes of competition. ...

  6. OSU Extension Franklin County Recognized on National Level

    In October, Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP), The Extension Professionals' Organization, held its National Conference where members of our OSU Extension, Franklin County Team were recognized. The team received a Diversity/ Multicultural award in the team cate ...

  7. Have a Heart to Heart Talk with your Children

    foundation.  Good family communication helps develop trust and builds respect between members of the family.  ... bridge between you and your children.  It is a way for you to share love and teach appropriate behavior.  ...

  8. Color Codes: Researcher’s Innovative Work in Natural Food Dyes Gains Recognition

    achieving highly purified anthocyanin blends. The technique, which was issued a patent early this month, is ...

  9. Tips to improve study time for our teens

    to consider the level of noise that they can tolerate when studying.  Some teens work best in total ... silence or with low to moderate noise level, and others can listen to a jack hammer right outside their ...

  10. Updating Ohio’s Phosphorus Risk Index

