
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Healthy eating: The gift that keeps on giving

    high-sugar soft drinks or other beverages. Experts generally recommend children 4-8 years old drink 4 cups of ...

  2. Conference to Help Small Farm Owners ‘Open Doors to Success’

    8 session and $50 for the March 9 session, or $60 for both days. The deadline to register is March 1. For ...

  3. New Associateship Program Launches for Future Extension Educators

    highly scientific and specialized agriculture requires Extension educators to have broader, more in-depth ...

  4. Ohio State Scientist Recognized for Bioproduct, Bioenergy Breakthroughs

    bioproducts. A pilot-scale version of the system is now being tested on a farm near Wooster. Since joining ...

  5. Update on Corn Silage Harvesting Practices

    for corn silage is between 30 and 38% (bunkers should be at the low end of this range, bags in the mid ... and hybrid affected the relationship between milk line stage and DM concentration. A sample of corn ...

  6. Chow Line: Prescription for healthy eating

    for tetanus. No differences between the groups were seen from the tetanus shot. However, participants ...

  7. Effect of AI Technique and Semen Handling on Dairy Cattle Fertility

    conception rate. The time elapsed between the initiation of the thawing process and the final seminal ... services postpartum, PAI did not differ between cows inseminated with or without the use of PS at the time ...

  8. Tips and Events for the Week of August 20

    Lincoln Way, Wooster. Free. More information: 22 Tile Drainage and Soil Health Field Day, ...

  9. Ohio State Hosting Talks on Famous Grizzly Bear, Ted Turner’s Green Impact in West

    the Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom in the university’s Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St., Columbus. The ...

  10. Good Weather, Innovation Drive Farm Science Review Attendance

    nitrogen and phosphorus, precision agriculture and compaction, and high-yield factors. Information on the ...
