
Search results

  1. Talk Turkey at 'Dining With Diabetes' Holiday Help Gatherings

    a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. If affects about 38 ... diabetes ABCs. A is for the A1C test that health care professionals use to measure your average blood ... glucose levels. Be is for blood pressure. C is for cholesterol. Take small steps toward healthy habits. ...

  2. Undergraduate Summer Research Experiences

    Potential Summer Projects Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) SROP is a collaboration between the  ... internship opportunity for motivated graduating high school seniors and current underclassmen at college or ...

  3. Beef

    publications allows for multiple projects and can be used by members at all levels. Use with  117R  Beef ...

  4. Swine

    5 OME/OBE Test- 5:00 – 9:00pm Wayne County Event Center August 6 Skillathon Interview Judging- 6:00 – 9:00pm ...

  5. Register Now for the Ohio State Organic Grains Conference, January 9-10

    was cool' “Any entry level organic or transitioning farmer would definitely benefit from time ...

  6. Dairy

    previously separate publications allows for multiple projects and can be used by members at all levels. Use ...

  7. Goats

    including everything in between. Purchase only once. An excellent resource for skillathons. Use with  135 ...

  8. University Mental Health Resources

    and address where they are currently located. If you suspect safety is at risk or compromised at that ...

  9. Portfolium Resource Page

    competencies beyond listings on a resume. Students at all levels can easily create evidence-based ...

  10. John Yost Joins Our Team and Toxic Levels of Hay Nitrates

    feed, and levels between 1000 and 2100 ppm should be safe for non-pregnant livestock.  Nitrate levels of ... indicate that nitrate levels in some stands, are approaching a range of 1700 ppm which is acutely toxic to ... flash graze pastures to keep the animals from grazing too close to the soil level and delaying harvest ...
