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  1. Making Hay and Making It Last- Some Best Practice Tips for Farmers

    step in the process of making hay, storing the hay, and feeding the bales results in some level of dry ... together, and about three feet between rows of bales.  The north-south orientation and space between bales ... dry matter losses as high, or higher, than your potential storage loss.     Reduce waste by limiting ...

  2. Food Preservation: Pasteurization of Raw Milk for Home Consumption

    if it comes into contact with tainted water, soil, animals, or other contaminated sources. Outbreaks ... canner. Fill the canner with warm water until the water level is slightly above the milk level in the ... pasteurization of raw milk (SP 50-932). ...

  3. Breathe easier in grain bins

    grain bins and test dust concentrations during different activities such as unloading grain and cleaning ...

  4. Nutrient Management of Forage Crops Intended for Hay

    is to maintain soil test P and K between the “critical level” (minimum) and “maintenance limit” ... level before planting. The estimated amount of P 2 O 5 required to raise a soil test 1 PPM is 20 pounds ... For example, if a soil test is 100 PPM and the goal is to increase the soil test to a critical level ...

  5. Agronomy School

    the 2025 growing season. We will feature a variety of OSU specialists covering the topics of soil ... Specialist 2:00pm Targeted Soil Fertility- Dr. Manbir Rakkar, Assistant Professor, OSU School of Natural ...

  6. Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in Your Woodland

    a tree to interrupt the flow of sap between the roots and crown of the tree (Figure 1). The groove must ... 8 inches on very large-diameter trees. When a chainsaw is used to girdle, two horizontal cuts between 2–4 ... effective. Care must be taken when the herbicide is applied to minimize the amount that runs into the soil ...

  7. Interpreting a Soil Test Report

    suitability to grow a chosen crop. Phosphorous and potassium soil test levels help us know if fertilizer is ... values is needed if they are not reported as ppm using a Mehlich 3 soil test. Soil test values reported ... in pounds per acre are converted to ppm by dividing pounds per acre by 2. If phosphorus soil test ...

  8. Calculating Cation Exchange Capacity, Base Saturation, and Calcium Saturation

    example of typical soil test levels in Ohio (in ppm). We can calculate the collective charge each cation ... by the soil test levels. For calcium, a soil test level of 2000 ppm, divided by 200 equals 10.0 ... (ppm) to meq/100 g soil for base and acid cations to determine CEC. Base Cation Soil test level (ppm ...

  9. Keep your Thanksgiving feast safe

    from the “danger zone” of temperatures between 40- and 140-degrees Fahrenheit, where bacteria can ...

  10. How anti-obesity drugs are linked to food waste

    represented a range of ages, household incomes and education levels, and most had insurance. On average, the ... used simulations to show that reducing population-level food consumption can lower energy costs, ...
