
Search results

  1. Estimated Return-to-Seed of Variable vs. Uniform Corn Seeding Rates

    to predict or identify areas of consistent yield levels (high, medium, low) and stability (stable vs. ... 18,000 to 50,000 seeds per acre. Most studies in Ohio were planted between early May and early June, and ... profitability—can vary within and among fields with small differences in soils and weather. Given the advances in ...

  2. Graduate Exit Seminar- Joseph Hinz

    silvicultural practices and disturbance regimes, to create and maintain high-quality habitat. This research ...

  3. Explore Soil Health Research and Outreach at The Ohio State University

    ecosystems. His research program connects the intimate linkages between soil macro- and micro-nutrients, trace ... published a consensus document "Exploring Linkages between Soil Health and Human Health." School ... of the National Academies that reviewed the state of knowledge on linkages between soil health and ...

  4. Narrow Row Spacing in Corn: Management Considerations for Ohio

    date, hybrid maturity, row spacing, plant population, and input levels (Ahmad et al., 2010). Growers, ... farm level. In recent years, these dynamics have led to some interest in producing corn (Zea mays L.) ... greater yields were produced at the high-yield-potential site in South Charleston (>200 bushels per ...

  5. Trails Manager

    performance levels to direct reports and park management. Provide a uniform, consistent standard of ...

  6. Understanding Challenges of Farm Weed Control

    is a trusted source on IWM tactics. Here you will find up-to-date, tested, and vetted resources on ...

  7. Full List of 2024 Publications

    in a highly weathered soil?, Soil and Tillage Research, Volume 244, 2024, 106179, ISSN 0167-1987, ... Soil Depth Effects on Earthworm Density and its Relationship to Soil Properties in an On-Farm Study.  ... J Soil Sci Plant Nutr  (2024). Arunrat N, Sansupa C, ...

  8. Nutrient Removal for Field Crops in Ohio

    manure equivalent at crop removal rates. Additionally, if soil test levels of P and K are below the ... critical level, then a "Buildup" recommendation would be considered to increase soil test levels ... soil test levels are at or above their respective maintenance limit, then no further P 2 O5 or ...

  9. Why the AIC?

    prime soils and a wide variety of farms. Our region includes Ohio’s highest concentration of women ... farmers and small and medium farms, and a large Amish population who make up a substantial percentage of ...

  10. Ohio Data That Shaped the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations

    that very low soil test levels require high fertilizer rates, but as soil test levels increase, our ... able to answer the question, “At what soil test level should I apply fertilizer to see a yield ... response?” To answer this question, we need to establish a critical soil test level.  For each trial, we ...
