
Search results

  1. Asmita Murumkar, Ph.D.

    soil health; agroecosystem resilience 590 Woody Hates Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43210 (614) 266-8567 ... soil health, and water quality) under current and future climate.  Development and evaluation of ... Farm-to-watershed scale decision tools such as  Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for evaluating effects ...

  2. Asmita Murumkar

    M.Tech- Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India B. ... practices (BMPs) on ecosystem services (such as carbon sequestration, soil health, and water quality) under ... Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for evaluating effects of Ag conservation practices on ...

  3. Celebrate Your Plate (Set of 10) Spanish

    will enjoy. Available in English or Spanish in sets of 10 for an estimated price of $42.50, or $4.25 ...

  4. Celebrate Your Plate (Set of 10)

    will enjoy. Available in English or Spanish in sets of 10 for an estimated price of $42.50, or $4.25 ...

  5. 2023 Weed Control Guide for Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri (PDF)

    soybeans, and herbicide programs for non-GMO soybeans. An index to all tables regarding herbicides is listed ...

  6. 2023 Weed Control Guide for Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri

    soybeans, and herbicide programs for non-GMO soybeans. An index to all tables regarding herbicides is listed ...

  7. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Handbook

    century, climate and weather, geology, water resources, birds, plants and soils, forests, insects, ...

  8. Jason Hartschuh

    CCA Precision Livestock Farming; Dairy Facility Design; Dairy Risk Management 1165 County Road 43, ...

  9. Educator IV Application and Promotion to Tenure-Track Faculty Educator in the Department of Extension, Without a National Search

    assistant professor level. The review process will include reviews by the department P and T Committee, the ...

  10. Join our ListServ

    Crops ListServ Wine Grapes ListServ Soil, Water, and BioEnergy ListServ Direct Agricultural Marketing ...
