
Search results

  1. Lep Monitoring Network – Spike in Numbers: Fall Armyworm Update # 22

    week, individual trap counts are still high in some select counties. If FAW reports surpass an average ... Averages and Scouting The statewide average for FAW this past week dipped slightly from 50.6 for the week ... crops. The FAW is a tropical pest and therefore not native to Ohio as it overwinters in warm soil in the ...

  2. 2025 NACAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement conference

    at the local and county level to meet the needs of citizens and constituents. The conference location ...

  3. 4-H Spark Expo

    career readiness program, Ohio 4 H Pathways to the Future. a collaboration between Ohio 4-H and the ...

  4. SENR Seminar Series Lightning Talks

    Assessment Framework (SMAF), Haney Soil Health Test (HSHT), and Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Health ... the Haney soil health test. Within Ohio, SMAF and CASH will be used to identify differences in soil ... students, who will present lightning talks.    Xucheng Hu Title: Soil health assessment and quantification ...

  5. 4-H Professionals Volunteer Management In-Service

    will be a great learning opportunity for all 4-H professionals, regardless of your level of experience. ...

  6. Manure Application to Parched Soil

    producers applying manure to farm fields need to take extra caution to prevent liquid manure following soil ... cracks to field tile Preferential flow is when liquid manure follows soil cracks, worm holes, and ... notorious for soil cracks. In these instances, tillage is considered the best management practice before ...

  7. Graduate Exit Seminar- Jeremy Salvo

    and recession, and water level changes in the field and control structures. The study includes three ... paired-field sites in NW Ohio equipped with ADWM and MDWM, where water level logger data and manual ...

  8. Corn Sweat and Humidity: A Few Facts Explained

    drought conditions are expanding while corn is shutting down. While humidity levels have been high across ... Every summer, as conditions heat up and humidity levels rise during mid-summer, we hear the phrase ... losses from the soil (evaporation) and water losses from the crop (transpiration). Scientifically, we ...

  9. Darke County Health Dept. Offers Flu Immunizations

    home-bound Darke County residents. Home-bound residents are often at high-risk for flu complications. The ...

  10. SENR Seminar Series welcomes Dr. Tom DeSutter

    spills and enhance the recovery and sustainability of highly-disturbed soils. Furthermore, the ... professor of Soil Science at North Dakota State University, who will present, "Reclamation of Soils ... soil health in these impacted areas. These studies contribute to the development of advanced and ...
