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  1. Tractor Supply Company's Annual Paper Clover Campaign starts April 24

    Company’s more than 50,000 Team Members are known for delivering legendary service and helping customers ...

  2. More Fertilizer Certification Opportunities in 2018

    One way to prevent applying too much fertilizer is a soil test, which can determine how much, if any, ... nutrients are needed. However, soil tests can be costly, so it might seem it’s cheaper to buy and apply more ... fertilizer than it is to test the soil to see if it needs the additional fertilizer, Watters said. Cost can ...

  3. Ohio Species at Risk: Alien Invaders: a look at the impact of invasives


  4. Ohio Species at Risk: Firefly gardening & Seed collection methods


  5. Ohio Species at Risk: Native turtles & Impacts of water quality contamination


  6. 2024 Garden Series- Ohio Species at Risk

    FREE EVENTS: Ohio Species at Risk Series Jan 29: Why plant native & Native trees and shrubs April 23: Native turtles & Impacts of water quality contamination August 30: Firefly gardening & Seed collection methods November 12: Alien invadors: ...

  7. Home Horticulture-Polinators at Risk: Butterflies


  8. Holmes Wage & Benefit Survey Project

    questions that appropriately reflected wage and benefit levels for occupational categories within six ...

  9. Scholarship Opportunities

      April 1- Due to the Extension Office by 4:30 pm $100 scholarship for two recipients Criteria:   A high ... $500 each for high school seniors or a person in post-secondary training who is still in 4-H.  How to Apply: ... public safety.  BCTA offers $500 scholarships for high school students who are enrolled in programs at ...

  10. Keeping Phosphorus Out of Waterways

    million.  Almost every year, somewhere in Ohio, at least one public alert goes out about high nitrate levels ... are testing phosphorus filters that have removed up to 75 percent of the phosphorus running through ... field, rainfall percolates through layers of soil and eventually into an underground plastic pipe system ...
