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  1. Schott gains firsthand experience during internship at CNH

    real-world situations. They ranged from field data analysis to preparing high-level presentations, giving him ... employees.” Schott’s internship experience comes amid a broader partnership between CNH and Ohio State ...

  2. SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds

    America migrate twice annually between breeding and non-breeding grounds. These migrations are a time of ... relatively high mortality for many birds species that are also experiencing long-term populations declines. ... attraction of migrating birds to ALAN causes migrating birds to stopover in high densities along the fringes ...

  3. Controlling Non-native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Kudzu (Pueraria lobata)

    spray mixture varies between applicators, but 40–80 gallons per acre is a consistent recommendation, ...

  4. Ohio Data That Shaped the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations

    that very low soil test levels require high fertilizer rates, but as soil test levels increase, our ... able to answer the question, “At what soil test level should I apply fertilizer to see a yield ... response?” To answer this question, we need to establish a critical soil test level.  For each trial, we ...

  5. Prochaska supports water access project in Tanzania, uses scholarship to aid funding

    get it to the level of implementation," he said. "The projects we're working on are ...

  6. Autumn 2024 SENR Seminar Series

    Environment Sept. 24   Promo Flyer Second Year MS Student Lightning Talks   Soil health assessment and ... quantification in the agroecosystem via the validation of the applicability of the soil health frameworks ... species in a glacial wetland (Ella Church) Electromagnetic Induction for Analyzing Pipeline-Induced Soil ...

  7. SENR Seminar Series- PhD Presentations

    segregated communities are plagued by high concentrations of air pollution, such as industrial toxics (Ard ... vary around the US highway network, a national level, to determine if minority populations are more ... traffic-related air pollutant trends to further examine the relationship between demographics and environmental ...

  8. Cross and Drewry publish article on remote diagnosis of wheat stripe rust progression

    high-throughput classification of WSR severity.  Utilizing random forest models based on leaf-level and ... canopy-level hyperspectral data, researchers achieved classification accuracies of 45-52%, which improved to ... 79-96% with off-by-one scoring. The canopy-level model outperformed the leaf-level models, highlighting ...

  9. SENR Seminar Series- Attempting to solve the soil – water – phosphorus puzzle

    between soil macro- and micro-nutrients, trace and heavy metals, microbiological activity, and soil ... professor, Rattan Lal Endowed Professor of Soil Health and Soil Fertility  who will present " Attempting ... to solve the soil – water – phosphorus puzzle "  at 4:00 p.m. in room 103 Kottman Hall or  via ...

  10. TWEL Aidan McCarthy

    range in Ohio, where they are found in two isolated and highly localized populations along the Ohio ... future viability of this at-risk species. ...
