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  1. Water Bath Canning and Pressure Canning

    This free, introduction class will review the differences between water bath canning and pressure ...

  2. Cross and Drewry investigate machine learning for soil heat flux in newly published article

    a publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of computational ecology, data science, ... biogeography, and ecosystem analysis. The article, titled "Ensemble machine learning for interpretable soil ... heat flux estimation" focuses on accurately estimating soil heat flux (SHF), crucial for ...

  3. Livestock Can't Take The Heat- Ways To Cool Them Down

    index (THI) is a chart that was created to factor in the temperature and humidity to create thresholds ... 'alert' zone of 75 on the THI chart. A thermal heat index of 84 is the 'emergency' zone where ... extreme caution needs to be taken for our livestock. The emergency level can be reached at a temperature ...

  4. Canning Season Tips & Tricks, And Safety Measures Too

    ( where you will find a great library of tested recipes.  They also have a great curriculum for ... be the key to high-quality outcomes with your produce.  Take inventory of what you have left from ... that’ for tested, research-based, recipes. *If canning, please read the instructions on the lid ...

  5. Water Bath Canning and Pressure Canning

    Free, introduction class will review the differences between water bath canning and pressure ...

  6. Water Bath Canning and Pressure Canning

    This free, introduction class will review the differences between water bath canning and pressure ...

  7. Job Opportunities

    required. Ideal candidates are highly motivated, adaptable, and mature individuals who can work ... independently. Interns must have access to a computer and high-speed internet during the entire duration of the ... Brihm-Spann ( Geosyntec COnsultants (two positions) Apply for the entry-level position ...

  8. Drought Stress Can Put Weeds Into Overdrive- Tips On Herbicide Use

    temperatures are high, and rainfall is scarce. Residual Herbicides  – The incorporation or activation of ... Without some sort of incorporation or activating rainfall, the product does not enter the soil solution ... later-applied residual herbicides into the soil profile for maximum efficacy.   POST Applications  – Plants ...

  9. Khanal to lead agricultural technology research and training program in Nepal

    toward measuring and analyzing GHG emissions and other soil and crop data for effective nutrient ...

  10. Now That Wheat Is Down, What's Next? Some Ideas For Fields

    a high nitrogen demand, and you may consider an application of 100 lbs of nitrogen. Sudangrass, sorghum ... lbs/acre and rape at 3.5 to 4.0 lbs/acre. Apply 100 to 150 lbs of urea per acre (if not incorporating, try ... aware of.  First, the Richland County Soil and Water office will be hosting a grazing school on July 23 ...
