
Search results

  1. Faculty Research Areas

    Ponce, M. Soledad- Associate Professor Phytobacteriology. Diversity and function of soil and ... interactions in the soil-plant interface and their effects in plant health.  (Wooster) Bonello, Pierluigi ... trees by fungal pathogens; soil type and soil management regime effects on mycorrhizal community ...

  2. Free Flu Vaccine for Dairy Farmers and Farm Workers

    than 100,000 doses of seasonal influenza vaccine to 12 states that have had dairy herds test positive ... Dakota, and Texas. All states with dairy herds that have tested positive for H5N1 bird flu were invited to ...

  3. Advanced Drainage Systems collaboration supports Ohio State research, students and operation

    has state-of-the-art equipment to develop, test, and analyze stormwater management systems, some of ...

  4. Gustavo Garay

    “Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment with the Dose-Response models in inoculum concentration of ... fungus on leaves and fruits of Mangifera indica " Processed a pathology test in mango leaves on the ... student in a Functional Ecology Study to compare the trees of volcanic soil vs. trees serpentine soils ...

  5. Dairy Dollars: Feed Prices, Nutrient Costs, and Milk Income

    costs displayed in Table 2 is estimated using the Cow-Jones Index. The prediction formula uses a 1500 lb ...

  6. Starter Success for Dairy Calves

    as group housing can increase the risk of health issues among calves. With proper backgrounding and ...

  7. Anne E. Dorrance

    ML; Taylor, CG; McHale, LK; Dorrance, AE. 2016. High-Density Mapping of Resistance QTL Toward ... 50: 2476-2492. Acharya, B., Lee, S., Rouf Mian, M.A., Jun, T., McHale, L.K., Michel, A.P., and ... S, Freewalt KR, McHale LK, Song Q, Jun T-H, Michel AP, Dorrance AE, Mian MAR  "A high resolution ...

  8. Saba secures grants for food waste conversion research

    CAPPS is designed to foster partnerships between industry and universities for the mutual benefit of ...

  9. Footbath Practices for Lameness Prevention

    5% due to risk of chemical burn. Formalin is not as effective at temperatures below 50° F, and open ... angle. These high walls ensure cattle are getting their feet in the treatment. One side should be ... Footbaths are effective for approximately 150 to 350 cow passes. Barns with automated manure removal and ...

  10. David L. Coplin

    BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 50(3): 518-522. Jong Hyun Ham, Doris R. Majerczak, Kinya Nomura, Christy Mecey, ...
