
Search results

  1. Winter and Backyard Birds: Keep Poultry Safe During Cold Temps

    hot.  Newly hatched chickens require temperatures between 90 and 95 degrees during their first week and ... temperature for older birds is between 65 and 75 degrees, these older birds can tolerate subzero temperatures ...

  2. Slow Drought Recovery Continues

    off warm with highs in the 50s and 60s, a cooling trend is likely throughout the week. Another system ... than two inches falling over the past month. Though surface soil moisture is improving, streams, ... rivers, and lakes have yet to signifcantly respond. There are numerous reports of low pond levels in the ...

  3. Jepsen named 2025 “Leader in the Field” by Journal of Agromedicine

    high school classrooms, farm families and workers, agricultural industry groups, and the public seeking ... workers across all ages and experience levels. "This is an unexpected honor, and I am blessed to work ...

  4. Upcoming Pesticide-Fertilizer Recertification Classes; Pressure Canner Testing

    you must schedule a test through the Ohio Department of Agriculture. You must call ahead to the Wayne ... $50. Remember, you also need to fill out the license renewal form that was sent to you by ODA, AND you ... consumer science staff with also be performing canner testing. Pressure canner gauges should be tested for ...

  5. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference Early Registration Open

    $150. This year’s theme is “Getting More from Less.” Cutting costs is key following a year where corn ... of his farmland is Paulding clay, considered the worst soil in northwest Ohio. He has increased corn ... yields on it by 50 to 75 bushel per acre. Connor Sible, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, will ...

  6. Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course Announcement

    Administration.’   The course will cover basic produce safety; worker health, hygiene, and training; soil ... they may be found on the farm; how to identify microbial risks, practices that reduce risks; how to ...

  7. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass

    adaptable. It can tolerate low-light environments with sufficient soil nutrients and moisture. Conversely, it ... corridors, and areas with disturbed soils (Figure 2). It is also found in floodplains; moist, ... disturbance that exposes bare mineral soil. Where white-tailed deer are abundant, their preferential browsing ...

  8. EPN Breakfast Event- Tuesday, February 11, 2025: Tourism for Tomorrow: Sustainable Solutions for Travel, Ecosystems, and Economy in Ohio and Beyond

    recovers from climate change-driven disasters to double down on destination stewardship.  8:50 a.m.   Karen ...

  9. Livestock and Cold Temperatures- Pay Attention to the 'Real Feel'

    The 'feels like' temperature tells the real story Similar to the Thermal Heat Index (THI) ... there is a Thermal Cold Index (TCI) which can be used to identify when environmental conditions have ... deteriorated to a point that our livestock may not be able to adapt.  The index provides a “feels like” ...

  10. Nitrate Tip- For Animal Safety Add Testing To Forage Analysis

    limit to less than 50% of diet for other animals >0.35% Nitrate-N (dry matter basis): High risk ... forages.  Elevated plant nitrate levels are the result of the plant’s inability to convert soil nitrate into ... will be high.  If the soil moisture is low the plant will have difficulty taking up the nitrates. If it ...
