
Search results

  1. Court Ruling on Dicamba Products for Xtend Soybeans

    application of the Group 14 herbicide will be critical. Spraying waterhemp between 0.5 and 1.5 inches in ...

  2. Warm Weather Continues...High Rainfall Variability

    the rest of the month. Uncertainty is high for where the flooding rains will occur and where the ... driest areas are. Runoff will also be highly uncertain the rest of May. The outlook for June remains the ... same with warmer than normal temperatures and a high degree of variability in rainfall distribution ...

  3. July OSU Agronomy Field Days

    Northwest Ohio • Methods to Test for and Agronomic Practices to Improve Soil Quality Pesticide and CCA ... western Ohio. This site carries a significant load of work on soils and conditions that closely resemble ... Soil fertility specialist Steve Culman, Agronomist Alex Lindsey, Entomologists Andy Michel & Ron ...

  4. 15- Measures of Competitiveness

    Dianne Shoemaker, Agriculture Agent This month: Debt per cow  Competitive Level:   Less than $2000 ... a dairy, cows generate the money needed to make principal payments. If debt per cow is too high When debt ...

  5. Western Bean Cutworm Flight Has Begun

    4th week of July (which is usually peak flight) is at high risk for WBC infestation.     The best way to ...

  6. Ohio Applicator Forecast and Weather Update

    models have been trending wetter and that is important to note. The risk is increasing toward the wetter ... a given area. The forecast takes snow accumulation and melt, soil moisture content and forecast ...

  7. Corn Yield Response to Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium (with Sulfur) After Winter Rye

    NPK in Rye 2016 FINAL.pdf 2016 Corn Cover Crops Corn Corn Fertility Cover Crops Soil and Water ...

  8. The Season for Slugs

    are particularly damaging are found. Eggs look like small, pearly BBs and are near the soil surface, ... buried only slightly under thin soil or residue. Juvenile slugs are quite small.  The most important time ... are various sampling procedures involving embedded soil traps with or without beer, these traps do not ...


    program is intended for all experience levels and non-CCA’s as well.           Topics include: What are ... State University Specialists in Plant Pathology, Entomology, Corn Production, Weed Science and Soil ...

  10. Progressive Dairy Producers Begin 2000 Membership Drive

    working on membership for 2000. Active membership fees for new members will be $50 per herd and $0.50 per ... sent in the near future. All active members, new or renewals, will also be credited $50 towards ...
