
Search results

  1. Dairy Policy and Market Watch

    in 2005, which will moderate prices back to more normal long-term levels. My forecast for the ... increased production in 2005, which will moderate prices back to more normal long-term levels. My forecast ...

  2. The February Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connections Webinars Are Now Available for Viewing On Line.

    The Soybean Production program featured  Everything but the Kitchen Sink: High Input Soybean ...

  3. Corn drydown: What to expect?

    grain moisture. Allowing corn to field dry below 20% risks yield losses from stalk lodging, ear drop, ...

  4. Environmental Streptococcal Mastitis

    high rates of new infection following drying off may relate to the lack of flushing action due to ...

  5. OCVN Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    high quality educational programs, including the annual OCVN state conference. As noted above, however, ...

  6. 2010 Midwest Dairy Challenge

    currently helping with the farming operation and taking agronomy courses in crop and soil science at ...

  7. Six things to do to reduce income tax pains.

    the last minute increases the stress level of the record keeper and increases the chances of mistakes. ...

  8. So you want to be a CCA The cost for the International (for us North American) exam is $175 and the Tri-state exam is $50 ...

  9. Western Bean Cutworm Damage and Heavy Feeding on Cry1F

    control. Based on data from Ohio and other surrounding areas (MI, IN and Ontario), we would highly ...

  10. A Diet Is Only as Good as the Data Used to Formulate I

    variation. This means that over a short period (a few weeks), differences between samples in nutrient ... duplicate samples and if the averages between 2 sets of samples are different, the silage DM really changed ...
