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Unlawful or Anti-Competitive Activities-The Big Data Confusion: Part 13
influence input sales. Within the agreement or terms and conditions between a grower and their ATP(s), there ...
Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference
tillage information, but also serves as a valuable source of up-to-date Cover Crop and Soil Health ... CLM credits, including 10 hours of Nutrient Management and 10 hours of Soil & Water continuing ...
The XtendiMax Label for Xtend Soybeans
Monsanto testing and listed at this website – Note – the website ... a buffer between the last treated soybean row and the sensitive area must be maintained as follows: 22 oz ...
Graduate student conducts research on rabies transmission in Ethiopa as a part of One Health
Health Summer Institute which is a partnership that was recently created between the Ohio State ... Several of the health professionals that we interviewed mentioned that transmission between wildlife such ... among other risks. The treatment itself also consists of numerous painful shots in the stomach. While ...
Snack Food Association's Quality and Innovation Management Course
sessions where attendees can test and evaluate their own company's products. This course provides an ...
Downy Mildew and Bacterial Pustule on Soybean
high, on the underside of the leaf is a necrotic spot (very small) with white “fuzz”. This “fuzz” are ... bacterial pustule, with high humidity, spores would be present in the pustule, and the necrotic area around ...
Ohio Vernal Pool Partnership- Brush off your Muck Boots and Step Out- 2 workshops
a partnership between The Midwest Biodiversity Institute and the Ohio Wetlands Association, promotes the ...
Summer Weed ID Class
it snaps off. But if you pull it, you disrupt the soil and let even more of them grow,” he said. How ...
Gardeners: This Class Can Help Win Your War on Weeds
it snaps off. But if you pull it, you disrupt the soil and let even more of them grow,” he said. How ...
Nestle Nutrition Industry Information Session
analytical methods development, and sensory testing. Interns will work under the supervision of an ...