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  1. 1st Annual Student Wildlife Research Symposium

    wildlife-related research that is taking place in high schools around Ohio in a professional and supportive ...

  2. 4-H Kicks Off New Year

    at the county and state levels in 2017.  New for 2017 Wayne County, 4-H has made some changes to our ...

  3. Bonello Publications

    and D.F. Cipollini. 2008. Effects of soil fertility on systemic protein defense responses of austrian ... pinea pycnidia on ground Austrian pine needle agar medium. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 46, 230-235. ... Cross-induction of systemic induced resistance between an insect and a fungal pathogen in Austrian pine over ...

  4. Kelsey Andersen

    moisture patterns on the association between Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol contamination in ...

  5. Managing Risk in the Grains & Navigating the Farm Program Choices

    The morning program will focus on market outlook and managing risk in the grain markets. Speakers ...

  6. Setting Goals for 2019

    I had the opportunity between Christmas and New Years to spend some extended time with my college ...

  7. U.S. Department of Labor Seminar

    learn the answers to the following questions and more:  ·         What are the differences between the ... conflicts between the ADA & FMLA? ·         What can I ask in the interview process according to the ...

  8. Hrubes Memorial Buckeye Tree Planted on ISU Campus

    future of agriculture in many ways…This tree is a memorial gift between two colleges of agriculture in ... buckeye was grafted from a parent tree on the Iowa State campus. Planted in October, between Ross and ...

  9. Sustainability and Resilience Links

    information/access to technologies that  improve lives; low-tech/high-tech projects addressing housing, economics, ...

  10. Meet the New Parker Dairy Chair

    requires a high-pressure treatment, Jimenez-Flores said. He is working on a proposal to investigate ... high-pressure homogenization as well. Read more here. ...
