
Search results

  1. Cressleaf Groundsel in Hay

    cattle, but it can be fatal at high enough doses to all age groups. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids are the ... with high concentrations of Cressleaf Groundsel maybe forced to bale first cutting and throw it away so ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-02

    Northwest Ohio Corn Silage Test Rich Minyo, Allen Geyer, Peter Thomison In 2011, 50 corn silage hybrids ... issues with 2,4-D supply? 2011 Northwest Ohio Corn Silage Test Northern Ohio Crops Day February 9th Ohio ... planting, or by mixing a POST grass herbicide with Liberty in POST applications.  ·      Moderate to high ...

  3. 2 new ways to avoid latex allergies

    natural latex gloves they prefer while avoiding the risk of allergic reactions. The patent-pending ... Type IV-hypoallergenic. “Guayule is a U.S. desert shrub that produces a high-quality latex which is ...

  4. Deadly pig virus is now in Ohio: Key is strict biosecurity

    coronavirus family, PEDv causes intestinal disease in swine of all ages and high mortality in young pigs. ... a health risk to people and doesn’t affect the safety of pork. To contact the scientist: Steve Moeller at ...

  5. Using Corn as a Cover Crop

    rapidly. It has a deep root system that is highly effective in scavenging nutrients. Even when planted as ... tillage as much as possible (no-tillage preferable) to ensure soil moisture necessary for germination and ...

  6. Winter Weather Outlook

    moving in. High temperatures in the first several days of December will reach into the 50s with some 60s ... a lot of changes and extreme within that period. The big high pressure in Alaska that drove cold air ...

  7. Managing Marestail This Spring – The Perfect Storm?

    marestail population in the state.  This “average” population has a fairly high level of resistance to ... are strongly recommended here.  Use high rates of Liberty or Gramoxone. Ensuring the performance of ... applied at least 14 days before planting on most soils.  There are no restrictions of this type for ...

  8. Ohio Manure Science Review 2019

    production and soil health. Field demonstrations will look at calibrating manure spreaders, stockpiling solid ... are the Tuscarawas Soil and Water Conservation District, Ohio Department of Agriculture, Cooper Farms, ...

  9. Most farmers willing to take steps to protect water, says study done near lake Erie

    example, include soil testing to see which nutrients are needed and how much to apply, and applying ...

  10. Insecticidal Seed Treatments in Late-Planted Crops

    Warmer soil and air temperatures get the plant get off to a faster start and faster growth, allowing it ... recommend these products for use against anything but the earliest season pests (usually soil pests).  We ...
