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FSR Agronomy College
Improved Efficiency and Environmental Consequences in High Yield Corn – Tony Vyn, Purdue University ...
Health Insurance Deductions and Health Savings Accounts
a 10% penalty. Eligibility requirements for an HSA include: 1. Must be covered by a high deductible ...
Working With Creditors When Times Are Tight
hiring specialists to help keep their open accounts to smaller, more manageable levels. Call or stop in ...
Free-stall Stocking Density Affects Productivity
extended periods of time, in some cases leading to higher incidence of lameness, 2) increased levels of ...
Is it Phytophthora stem rot? Is it flooding injury? Or is it both?
injury in soybean are the same as Phytophthora. Phytophthora is a watermold and requires saturated soils ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-06
utilized for that undesired scenario in corn, soybeans and wheat. * For farmers who grow forages, check out ...
Weed Identification Resources
characteristics a lot of variation occurs, and not just between species but within as well. Feel free to email us ...
For the Birds
a day. You think a cow can sort? Just watch a bird eat all your high-priced grains and supplements. It ...
Cost of Nutrients in Feedstuffs
overpriced; those between the two red lines (very top and very bottom lines) are priced according to their ...
Are Ohio Dairy Farmers Satisfied With Local Suppliers?
farmers from this group agreed with the statement. Herds milking between 30 and 100 cows had an average ...