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New Developments in the World of Soybean Pathology
strategies for soybean rust; made efforts to test and register fungicides for use in the U.S., giving ... this month. INTEGO Solo is the name of the product from Valent, but much of the initial field testing ...
Field Crops Day at Northwest Research Station
assistant professor of horticulture and crop science; Steve Culman, state specialist in soil fertility and ...
Focus on Flavor
mass-produced foods healthier and still meet the high standards of consumer acceptability. For example, some of ...
Proposed federal changes could lead to eased rules for egg processors
the same level of inspection and oversight of all regulated products as we carry out our public health ...
Mac Ware helps win BETHA Endowment annual grant competition!
supports projects that examine the complex relationship between science and technology on society and ...
Management for Red Clover Seed Production
high yields of high quality seed of forages as in western and northwestern states. But each year around ... production in red clover is highly dependent on insect pollination, which occurs primarily through bumblebees ...
Western Bean Cutworm: Time to Scout
distributed clusters of 5–200, but averaging about 50 per cluster, and hatch within 5–7 days (Figure 1). Eggs ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-37
lodging, emergence and test weight data are available. Single and multi-year agronomic data is currently ...
Joan Msuya: Following Your Smile
gained. For the first time in my life, I was able to clearly differentiate between Applied Sciences and ... that I learned include: The audience likes to make a connection between themselves and the presenter ...
Construction Management Competition Teams
competitions are for students at all levels of familiarity in construction management, with some competitions ...