
Search results

  1. Pond Clinic featured in Chagrin Valley Times

    The 2017 Pond Clinic sponsored by the Portage and Geauga Soil and Water Conservation Districts and ...

  2. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    expect the Class III price to stay around the $14.50 to 16.00/cwt range for the remainder of the year. ... respectively. To estimate the cost of production at these nutrient prices, I used the Cow-Jones Index with cows ...

  3. ESGP Seminar-- Issues in Environmental Science

    entrance presentation on The Impact of Biochar and other Soil Amendments on Soil Quality for Some Soils in ...

  4. Bring Your Own Device Wins Big

    video competition in Anaheim, CA. The BYOD video features the App built (a partnership between ...

  5. Feeding Your Feathered Friends? Study Finds Complex Relationships Among Bird Feeders, Predators and Nest Survival

    relationships between the nesting success of two bird species — the  American robin  and  northern cardinal  — ... neighborhoods had both high numbers of bird feeders and large concentrations of crows. The crows may have been ...

  6. OSU Extension's Tree School Coming to Mansfield April 18th

    vernal pool creation, and more! Pre-registration is required. $40 by April 4th, $50 after April 4th, with ...

  7. Urban Coyotes Are Thriving, Mostly Not a Threat

    urban landscape called Chicago. Gehrt talks about the growing number of urban coyotes, the risk they may ...

  8. EPN Breakfast- January 14, 2020 The Bourbon Barrel Connection: Revitalizing Appalachian Ohio economies and oak-dominated forests

    for Franklin Soil & Water Conservation District and a research forester for the University of ...

  9. Section VII: Academic Department Information

    foster sound working relationships, we highly encourage department and center faculty and staff to inform ...

  10. Towards a standard technique for soil quality assessment

    Obade, Vincent de Paul and Rattan Lal. 2016. Towards a standard technique for soil quality ...
