
Search results

  1. Nominate Now your CCA of the Year

    state award designed to recognize an individual who is highly motivated, delivers exceptional customer ... service for farmer clients in nutrient management, soil & water management, integrated pest ...

  2. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    contributing to our unusually high domestic milk prices over the last 10 months.  The problem is that our ... US$2530/MT.  So there is no way that our domestic prices can remain at their elevated levels if we want to ... should be (more) pleasant than anticipated.  If I am right, then even $3.50/bu corn won’t be sufficient ...

  3. Introduction to Food Science Essentials (Online Course)

    technology. The course allows and encourages collaboration between participants and provides an outstanding ...

  4. Farm Science Review 2016: Last Minute Reminders

    course; plus drones/UAVs, soil sampling, planters, precision nutrient placement and drainage installation. ... long-term demonstrations on soil quality along with several cover crops. New this year are presentations at ... crops, soil quality, and weed identification. Stop off in the Agronomy Plots as you arrive or on the way ...

  5. Controlling marestail in wheat stubble

    increase in the soil seedbank, but coming up with the right strategy has not necessarily been easy.  Keep ... course there can be emergence of new plants after harvest, depending upon moisture and the degree of soil ... difference in control between application dates would have been accentuated for marestail plants that had ...

  6. OSU Extension to Host Annie’s Project

    operations may sign up for Annie's Project, a multi-part risk-management course offered by Ohio State ... focuses on five broad aspects of risk management typical in the agricultural setting:  human, financial, ...

  7. Fertilizer Application Certification & Training (FACT), Nutrient Management Field Day- September 6th

    apply fertilizer to 50 or more acres per year including side dress nutrients to corn will need to be ...

  8. Northwest Ohio Crops Day

    Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations           Steve Culman, OSU Soil Fertility Specialist    Grain ...

  9. Farm Financial Analysis- The Ready, Set, Go Program

    as control information critical to effective participation in risk management programs. The Ohio Farm ... manage your farm and your farm’s risk. Choose from classes, on-line webinars, or videos, along with ...

  10. Soybean Pod Shattering and Harvest Moisture

    13% moisture content, we still see some loss, but at a much lower level (1-2%). Four soybean seeds per ...
