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SENR Seminar Series- Thomas RaShad Easley 2/21/19
Dr. Thomas RaShad Easley, Ed.D. Assistant Dean for Community and Inclusion, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies will present Relationships, History, Hip Hop and Forestry: Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion in the Environmental Sciences ...
Pilot Plants
a state-of-the-art sensory evaluation testing service that are available for new product development, process ...
Buckeyes Are Toxic to (Real) Ducks, Say Ohio State Ag Experts, But Biggest Risk May Be on Football Field
Agriculture’s PLANTS database carries a red-letter warning: “Ohio buckeye is highly toxic when taken ...
Registration Open, Scholarships Available for Forestry and Wildlife Conservation Camp
who have just graduated from high school. Its goal is to introduce campers to trees, birds, bugs, ...
Assistant Professor to study long-term, post-wildfire changes in sagebrush ecosystems
Matt Davies, an assistant professor of soil and plant community restoration in the School of ...
Honors Thesis Presentation
relationship between season of burn and oak regeneration in contemporary forests. Average fire temperatures ...
SENR Seminar Series- Jennifer Sherman 2/7/19
Dr. Jennifer Sherman, Associate Professor of Sociology at Washington State University, will be presenting Trouble in Paradise: Change, Survival, and Dignity in the Amenity-Rich Rural West on Thursday, February 7th from 4:10-5:30P.M in 164 Howlett Hall. ...
Elizabeth Burnett's Graduate Defense Seminar
soil health and water quality, it is difficult to understand why many farmers choose not to adopt these ...
Spatial Inequalities in the Fiscal Distribution of the U.S. Welfare State
availability of social and community economic development programs at the state and county levels, few studies ...
Autumn 2015 SENR Seminar Series
Amherst, Department of Environmental Conservation Sept. 17 Soil Carbon and Climate Change Rattan Lal ...