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Dr. Kelly George's Research Represents Shift in Animal Sciences Focus
interrelationships between people, animals, and the environment. CHAIRE is unique from other existing centers in that ...
Management for Red Clover Seed Production
high yields of high quality seed of forages as in western and northwestern states. But each year around ... production in red clover is highly dependent on insect pollination, which occurs primarily through bumblebees ...
Western Bean Cutworm: Time to Scout
distributed clusters of 5–200, but averaging about 50 per cluster, and hatch within 5–7 days (Figure 1). Eggs ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-37
lodging, emergence and test weight data are available. Single and multi-year agronomic data is currently ...
ASAS Scholar Recognition 2015
Each year, the American Society of Animal Science awards high achieving students with ...
Be a Real Money, Real World Volunteer!
knowledge with high school students. Students obtain an occupation, family and salary equivalent to the ... on: Doing well in school. Getting more education or training after high school. Waiting until ...
Ohio State Meat Laboratory Processes Ohio State Fair Champion Lambs
(the highest) to Good (the lowest). Further differentiation is provided with High, Average, and Low ...
Whitman's Feed & Grain, Inc.
Witmer’s Feed and Grain, Inc. is seeking 4-5 highly motivated students for their 12-14 week paid ...
Prepare Your Sprayer for Storage Now to Avoid Costly Problems in the Spring
applied on a crop that is highly sensitive to that pesticide. To avoid such problems, it is best to clean ... with a bristle brush. Then flush the exterior parts of the equipment with water. A high pressure washer ... from snow, rain, or soil, rusts metal parts of unprotected equipment of any kind. This is especially ...
Dairy Judging at North American
Louisville. Team finished in upper half and Colton was high in the Jersey breed, with a team finish in 4th. ...